ConnectIt READ ME contains notes users should be aware of before installing or upgrading the ConnectIt software. CURRENT VERSION: 2.28.0 RELEASED: 5th Nov 2021 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v2.21.5 (and below) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- There have been changes made to the way that ConnectIt macros function to include various new options. Please review these new options and the syntax used to ensure that any macros you have set up will continue to work as expected. Standard &QWDH_ or &QWDI_ macros should not be affected, but if you also concatonate in other non-QuoteWerks field references, then these may be affected. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.20.x (and below) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sage 50 Accounts v12 (2006) and below are no longer supported. If you are using one of these early versions of Sage 50 Accounts, then you will need to upgrade Sage 50 Accounts before upgrading ConnectIt. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.19.0 (and below) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- The format of the Configuration Products tab | General tab | Product Description Field has changed to support macro fields (&QWDH_ and &QWDI_). This means that you will need to change this setting ("Description" by default) to work with the macro fields. So, for example, the default setting of "Description" would become "&QWDI_Description". //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.12.x (and below) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- There have been changes to the ConnectIt-Sage Configuration utility which mean that existing users' current Configuration settings will not be loaded automatically and will be replaced by ConnectIt-Sage's defaults. If you are an existing user of ConnectIt-Sage and would like to retrieve your existing Configuration settings, please install the new version of ConnectIt-Sage and then open the ConnectIt-Sage Configuration utility from Start | All Programs | ConnectIt. On the Advanced | Running ConnectIt tab, there is a new option which will load your existing Configuration settings for you if you click the "Load Configuration from ConnectIt v1.12 or below" button. Please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrading for more information. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES TO SAGE ACCOUNTS 2008 (AND ABOVE) FROM EARLIER VERSIONS //---------------------------------------------------------------------- The default location of the COMPANY file has changed to: :\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sage\Accounts\YYYY where YYYY represents the year. For example Sage Accounts 2008 would be :\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sage\Accounts\2008 and Sage Accounts 2018 would be :\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sage\Accounts\2018. When upgrading, if you are using the Sage "Use the Company File" option in ConnectIt Configuration, then you may also need to change the Company File Path. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.5.x (and above) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please use the Registration utility Register button to automatically add new menu options to the QuoteWerks Tool menu. The next time you start QuoteWerks the new menu option for the Create Supplier Wizard will be available. Also, please make sure that your UMP is up to date before attempting to install a newer version. If you attempt to install a newer version of the ConnectIt software than you are eligible for, then ConnectIt may cease to function. If you receive an error message that a valid license cannot be found, then use the ConnectIt Registration Manager utility Get License Info button to make sure that your installation has the most up to date registration information from the ConnectIt License Server. If you still receive an error message, then please contact your ConnectIt reseller to upgrade your licenses. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.4.x (and below) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- To ensure a quick upgrade please ensure that you have completed the ConnectIt Registration online form at We can then ensure that your information has been entered into the ConnectIt License Server so that you receive a seamless upgrade. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.3.x //---------------------------------------------------------------------- For users installing a brand new version of ConnectIt, the default QW Starting and Ending Statuses have changed to "Invoice Ready for Sage" / "Invoice Created in Sage" and "Credit Note Ready for Sage" / "Credit Note Created in Sage" for invoices and credit notes (respectively). Existing users will not be affected by these updated defaults; any changes existing users have made to the ConnectIt Configuration settings will be retained. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.1.x //---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are additional menu options available to ConnectIt users on the QuoteWerks | Tools menu in later versions of the ConnectIt software. To automatically append these new options to the QuoteWerks | Tools menu, please re-run the ConnectIt Registration. The full set of ConnectIt menu options is as follows: * Create document in Sage * Create product(s) in Sage * Create customer(s) in Sage * ConnectIt Offline Help * ConnectIt Online Help //---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON UPGRADES FROM CONNECTIT v1.0.x //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to the significant changes introduced in the ConnectIt application for v1.1, update files to upgrade from version 1.0.x are not available. If you are currently using v1.0.x, then please download and install the full ConnectIt installation from Full instructions on how to install, register and configure the ConnectIt are included in the download pack.