//------------------------------------------------------------ // v2.0.2 - released 20th August 2018 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt Configuration.exe v2.0.2 FIXED: ConnectIt Configuration | Documents tab | Transfer Details tab - "Column 'x' does not allow nulls" error when adding a new row to the grid. This would occur if the User did not enter a value and/or select/deselect a tickbox option because no default value for the field was applied. Default values are now written to appropriate cells and so this issue has now been resolved. FIXED: ConnectIt Product Wizard - "conversion from string '' to type single is not valid" error when trying to create a Product. This was due to the Product Wizard code attempting to read a configuration setting that no longer exists (legacy for MAS90/200 and not required for Sage 100). This issue has now been resolved. FIXED: ConnectIt Customer Wizard - "conversion from string '' to type single is not valid" error when trying to create a Customer. This was due to the Customer Wizard code attempting to read a configuration setting which no longer exists (legacy for MAS90/200 and not required for Sage 100). This issue has now been resolved. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v2.0.1 - released 2nd July 2018 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v2.0.1 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v2.0.1 UPDATED: ConnectIt | Document Transfer - if the initial search for a Customer by Name fails to get a match, then search in uppercase. UPDATED: ConnectIt | Document Transfer - if the new Configuration | Document tab | Main tab | Sales Documents tab 'Use QuoteWerks field value for Sage Document Number' option is ticked, then read the value from the selected field. Note that if this field is blank, then ConnectIt errors and exits the process without creating a Document in Sage. Note that there is no validation to ensure that the Document Number has not already been used in Sage. ADDED: Configuration | Document tab | Main tab | All Documents tab - 'Default Tax Code', 'Non-Taxable Tax Code' and 'Tax Code in QuoteWerks' options. UPDATED: ConnectIt | Document Transfer - support for the new Configuration | Document tab | Main tab | All Documents tab Tax Code options. The logic to their usage is as follows: * If the QuoteWerks Document has a Tax Rate greater than zero, then use the 'Default Tax Code'; if the QuoteWerks Document Tax Rate is zero, then use the 'Non-Taxable Tax Code'. * If the 'Tax Code in QuoteWerks' option is ticked, then use the value from the field specified for the Tax Code. I.e. this overrides anything that may have been set up for the 'Default Tax Code' or 'Non-Taxable Tax Code'. * If a Tax Code has been set in any of the above steps, then check that the Taxable Tax Rate for this Tax Code in Sage matches that specified on the QuoteWerks Document. * If no Tax Code was set up in the above steps or if the Taxable Tax Rate for this Tax Code in Sage does not match that specified on the QuoteWerks Document, then search Sage for a Taxable Tax Code that has a Taxable Tax Rate which matches that specified on the QuoteWerks Document. * I a Tax Code could not be found, then message the User and exit without creating the Document in Sage. ADDED: Configuration | Document tab | Main tab | Sales Documents tab - 'Use QuoteWerks field value for Sage Document Number' option. ADDED: Configuration - Document Header Custom Text 25-28 fields to appropriate dropdown options. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v2.0.0 - released 11th June 2018 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v2.0.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v2.0.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v2.0.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v2.0.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v2.0.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v2.0.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v2.0.0 ADDED: Support for Sage 100 ERP 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. UPDATED: now runs on Microsoft .net framework v4.0 (was previously 2.0). //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.9.0 - released 5th Sept 2014 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.9.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.9.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.9.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.9.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.9.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.9.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.9.0 ADDED: Configuration | Documents tab | Miscellaneous tab | Sales & Purchase Document Overrides tabs | Header Fields tabs - Pre-Items checkboxes. If these are ticked, then ConnectIt will write the specified Value to the Field BEFORE any Line Items are written to the Document. If these options are not ticked, then ConnectIt will write the specified Value to the Field AFTER the Line Items are written to the Document, i.e. as per builds to this point. UPDATED: ConnectIt | Document Transfer - if the new Document Header Override 'Pre-Item' option is ticked, then the specified Value is written to the Field before any Line Item is transferred. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.8.1 - released 27th May 2014 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.8.1 FIXED: "Conversion from string '' to type Single is not valid" error when transferring a Document and retreiving Product Line Item information from Sage MAS - this seemed to be due to the Item Cost and Selling Prices not being retrieved from Sage MAS. ConnectIt now ignores the error if the Item and/or Selling Price cannot be retrieved. PLEASE NOTE that the Configuration | Products tab | Sales & Purchase Documents | Override Cost & Unit Selling Price options may not function as expected with Sage MAS 200 v4.5. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.8.0 - released 30th January 2014 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.8.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.8.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.8.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.8.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.8.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.8.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.8.0 ADDED: Configuration | Product tab | 'Search Product Item Alias Number in MAS before Item Code' option ADDED: ConnectIt feature to search Document Line Items Product Codes by the Item Alias Number if the Product Code cannot be found as-is. The priority is to search Sage Items by 1) the Code entered into the Document as an Item Code, 2) the Code entered into the Document as an Item Alias Number, 3) the Code entered into the Document as an Item Code capitalised, and 4) the Code entered into the Document as an Item Code capitalised and with any spaces removed. If the Item still cannot be found, then features to create the Item or apply a default Code are used. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.7.1 - released 27th May 2012 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.7.1 FIXED: the Configuration | Product tab | Sales Documents tab and Purchase Documents tab | 'Do not transfer Line Items that have a zero Quantity'Do not transfer Line Items that have a zero Price' options were working the wrong way around. This has now been corrected. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.7.0 - released 30th April 2012 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.7.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.7.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.7.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.7.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.7.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.7.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.7.0 ADDED: Configuration option as extension of the 'Auto Create' option to get the Product Line and Product Type values from QuoteWerks when automatically creating Products during the Document Transfer process (see Products tab | All Documents tab 'Product Type field' options). Note that if a Product Line and/or Type field is not specified, then this process uses the relevant defaults values set on the Products tab | Wizard tab; if no default Product Line and/or Type value is set on the Products tab | Wizard tab, then an error will occur. ADDED: Configuration option to use the Product Tax Class from Sage MAS when transferring a Document and not the one calculated from the Taxable/Non-taxable information in QuoteWerks (see Products tab | Sales Documents tab | 'Use Sage MAS Product Tax Class on Documents' and Products tab | Purchase Documents tab | 'Use Sage MAS Product Tax Class on Documents' options). ADDED: Configuration option to use the Customer Address and/or Delivery Address from Sage MAS when transferring a Document and not the one specified in QuoteWerks (see Configuration Documents tab | Transfer Details tab | 'Address' and 'Delivery Address' option - these now contain a "From Sage" option). ADDED: Configuration option to use the Customer Terms Code from Sage MAS when transferring a Document and not the one specified in QuoteWerks (see Configuration Customers tab | 'Use Sage MAS Customer Terms Code on Documents' option). UPDATED: Customer Credit Balance messages to detail exactly which Customer is being checked UPDATED: new CustomTextXX field options to relevant dropdown options in the Configuration //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.6.0 - released 12th January 2012 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.6.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.6.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.6.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.6.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.6.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.6.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.6.0 ADDED: option to fail the transfer if the Customer's Account is flagged as being on 'Credit Hold' in Sage MAS (see Configuration | tab | 'Do not transfer the current Document if the Customer Account is flagged as on Credit Hold' option) ADDED: option to fail the transfer if the Customer's Current Balance exceeds their Credit Limit in Sage MAS, i.e. the Current Balance is greater than the Credit Limit (see Configuration | tab | 'Do not transfer the current Document if the Customers Current Balance exceeds Credit Limit' option) ADDED: option to fail the transfer if the Customer's Current Balance would exceed their Credit Limit in Sage MAS if the requested Document is transferred to Sage MAS, i.e. the Current Balance plus the non-taxable value of the Document to be transferred is greater than the Credit Limit (see Configuration | tab | 'Do not transfer the current Document if the Customers Open Orders exceeds Credit Limit' option) ADDED: option to fail the transfer if the Customer's Open Order Amount exceeds their Credit Limit in Sage MAS, i.e. the Open Order Amount is greater than the Credit Limit (see Configuration | tab | 'Do not transfer the current Document if the Customers Current Balance exceeds Credit Limit' option) ADDED: option to fail the transfer if the Customer's Open Order Amount would exceed their Credit Limit in Sage MAS if the requested Document is transferred to Sage MAS, i.e. the Open Order Amount plus the non-taxable value of the Document to be transferred is greater than the Credit Limit (see Configuration | tab | 'Do not transfer the current Document if the Customers Open Orders exceeds Credit Limit' option) ADDED: option to update the QuoteWerks Document Status if the transfer fails due to the Customers Account being on 'Credit Hold' or their Credit Limit exceeded (see Configuration | tab | 'Update Status if transfer fails due to Credit Hold or Limit' option) FIXED: when a QuoteWerks Users name is swapped to the Registered Users list, a strange character appears in the name. This also caused an error when trying to swap the name back from the Registered Users list to the QuoteWerks Users list. This was due to the licensing encryption routines and has now been corrected - the strange character no longer appears and the User can be Unregistered without an error. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.5.1 - released 25th August 2011 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.5.1 FIXED: an issue where ConnectIt may not transfer information from Override fields when the MAS field is a UDF (User Defined Field). The issue is now fixed. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.5.0 - released 22nd August 2011 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.5.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.5.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.5.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.5.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.5.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.5.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.5.0 ADDED: option to not lock the QuoteWerks Document after it has been successfully transferred into Sage MAS (see Configuration | Documents tab | Main tab | All Documents tab | 'Do not Lock QuoteWerks Document on success' option) ADDED: 5x Override Item-level fields so that the default ConnectIt field mappings can be superceded by the client's own field mapping requirements. There are 5x Item-level override fields for the Sales and Purchase documents. (See Configuration | Documents tab | Miscellaneous tab | Sales Document Overrides and Purchase Document Overrides tabs.) ADDED: support for QuoteWerks Header Line Types FIXED: ConnectIt Configuration Documents tab | Main tab | Purchase Documents tab 'Allow user to select which Vendors to create POs for' and 'Check all Vendors exist in MAS irrespective of selection' options appeared not to Save. The issue is now fixed. FIXED: issue where the Sales Document may not be created when creating Sales and Purchase Document and No Vendors selected. The issue is now fixed. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.4.3 - released 4th April 2011 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.4.3 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.4.3 ADDED: 5x Override fields so that the default ConnectIt field mappings can be superceded by the client's own field mapping requirements. There are 5x override fields for the Sales and Purchase documents. (See Configuration | Documents tab | Miscellaneous tab | Sales Document Overrides and Purchase Document Overrides tabs.) ADDED: an option to check that all Vendors exist irrespective of whether they have been selected for creating Purchase Order documents for. This will help ensure that users have entered the Vendor Names correctly on the QuoteWerks Document. (See Configuration Documents tab | Main tab | Purchase Documents tab | 'Check all Vendors exist in MAS irrespective of selection' option.) UPDATE: we now retain the 00000000 formatting of the Sage Document number when the reference is saved to QuoteWerks. FIXED: ConnectIt seems to hang as it gets to the point where it is "Creating document(s) in Sage MAS..."; QuoteWerks displays an error message that "the field name '' is not in the Document Header lookup array (ReturnArrayValue)". This occurred if the 'Transfer Document Header Value as first line Comment Field' was blank (see Configuration | Document tab | Main tab | Sales Documents and Purchase Documents tabs). The issue is now fixed. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.4.2 - released 17th March 2011 (internal only) //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.4.2 FIXED: 'Conversion from string "XXXX-YY" to type Integer is not valid' error when trying to transfer any QuoteWerks Document that has a "-YY" Revision suffix. The suffix element is now read seperately and does not factor into the new enhancements where we use the QuoteWerks Document Number for the Document in Sage MAS. We do not use the QuoteWerks Document Suffix due to the field width restriction within Sage MAS. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.4.1 - released 14th March 2011 (internal only) //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.4.1 FIXED: 'No value given for one or more required parameters' system error when using the 'Vendor Address information is maintained in Sage not QuoteWerks' and 'Sage Vendor Account Reference is in QuoteWerks' options with a 'n' character value less than 30 characters. FIXED: 'The Tax Schedule is greater than 9 characters' error when using the Tax Rate from the QuoteWerks Document instead of the Customer's Tax Rate (see enh v1.3.0). ConnectIt was picking up the Tax RATE Code, not the Tax SCHEDULE Code - now resolved. Note: for clients without UMP, then this can be worked around by using the 'Use Customer Tax Schedule on Sales Documents' option in the ConnectIt Configuration (see Customer tab). FIXED: 'Product(s) could not be found in Sage MAS...' error when option to auto-create is ticked in ConnectIt Configuration. This occurred if Purchase Order document(s) were being created as part of the process. When auto-creating Products, we now make the Product (Item) for use in both S/O and P/O modules. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.4.0 - beta released 11th March 2011 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.4.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.4.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.4.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.4.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.4.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.4.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.4.0 ADDED: Configuration option to set a default Sage MAS Product Line for use in the Product Wizard - the Product Line is a required field and this will save the user clicking into the Wizard to set this value. Just the Product Line Code should be entered - ConnectIt will then find that Code to match to. (For Product Line maintenance in Sage MAS, see Inventory Management | Setup.)*ADDED: Configuration option to set a default Sage MAS Product Type for use in the Product Wizard - the Product Type is a required field and this will save the user clicking into the Wizard to set this value. Options are hardcoded in Sage MAs (and ConnectIt) to Finished Good, Raw Material, Discontinued and Kit ADDED: Configuration option to remove and spaces from the Product Code read from the QuoteWerks Document before it is created in Sage MAS. This affects the Document Transfer search to match and Product Wizard when creating Products. ADDED: Configuration option to automatically create Products in Sage MAS if they do not exist. Note that when used in conjunction with the new 'Remove Spaces' option, that ConnectIt will first search for a Product Code as it appears in QuoteWerks, then without spaces, if the Product Code is still not found in Sage MAS, then the Product will be created without spaces in the Code. Note that when used, this disables the option to use a default Product Code if a Product Code does not exist in Sage. When Products are created as part of the Document Transfer process, just the most basic information is set up - Code, Description, Product Line (values are inherited to the Product from here through Sage MAS), Product Type, Cost Price (optional), Selling Price (optional), and the Product enabled for the S/O, P/O and B/M modules; all other details may be updated at a later stage in Sage MAS ADDED: Configuration option as extension of the new 'Auto Create' option to use the Cost and Selling Price from QuoteWerks when automatically creating Product. ADDED: Configuration options to use the QuoteWerks Document Number for the MAS Sage and/or Purchase Document Number. When ticked, then an incremental value can also be applied, i.e. to avoid conflicting Document Numbers from historic MAS Documents, then QuoteWerks Document Number 1000 may have an incremental value of 100000 so that it becomes Document Number 101000 in Sage MAS, 1001 becomes 101001, etc. For Purchase Orders, then if this setting is being used in conjunction with the existing 'Allow creation from multi-Vendor QuoteWerks documents', then the Purchase Order Document Number on Sage MAS would become 101000A, 101000B, 101000C, etc. ADDED: Configuration option to allow a QuoteWerks Document Header field value to be transferred to the Sage MAS and/or Purchase Document as the first line on the Document in Sage MAS. If this option is ticked, then the QuoteWerks field and Sage MAS Item Code can also be set. UPDATE: removed 'product options' step tick boxes from the Product Wizard (Allow Returns, Allow Back Orders and Allocated Landed Cost values) due to field changes in Sage MAS 4.4 which mean that Product inherit these values from elsewhere in Sage MAS. UPDATE: changed "Supplier" terminology in message boxes to "Vendor" FIXED: issue whereby ConnectIt would not correctly identify that a Product existed in Sage MAS. This seemed to affect some early version of Sage MAS only. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.3.4 - released 13th December 2010 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.3.4 FIXED: "Login failed for user ''" error when trying to create Purchase Orders and QuoteWerks is rehosted to SQL Server - the value saved to the configuration file was not being read back correctly. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.3.3 - released 2nd November 2010 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.3.3 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.3.3 ADDED: option to override the cost price from the QuoteWerks document with the cost price from Sage MAS for Accounts Receivable and Sales Order documents. Configuration options to use the Standard, Average or Last Cost Price ADDED: option to override the selling price from the QuoteWerks document with the selling price from Sage MAS for Accounts Receivable and Sales Order documents. Configuration options to use the Standard Unit or Suggested Retail Price //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.3.2 - released 25th October 2010 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.3.2 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.3.2 FIXED: Configuration Products tab | All documents tab | Vendor setting not saving //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.3.0 - released 18th October 2010 (beta) //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.3.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.3.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.3.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.3.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.3.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.3.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.3.0 ADDED: option to override the cost price from the QuoteWerks document with the cost price from Sage MAS for Purchase Order documents. Configuration options to use the Standard, Average or Last Cost Price ADDED: option to use the Tax Schedule associated to the Customer in Sage MAS (instead of using a Tax Schedule that has a Tax Rate matching that on the QuoteWerks document) //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.2.0 - released 8th September 2010 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.2.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.2.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.2.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.2.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.2.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.2.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.2.0 ADDED: options to create Purchase Orders and combinations of Purchase Orders and Sales documents ADDED: functionality to create Products in Sage MAS using the Product Wizard ADDED: functionality to create Vendors in Sage MAS using the Vendor Wizard UPDATE: allow creation of a new Batch automatically for A/R Invoice document types - previously the Batch Number needed to be explicitly defined in the configuration; now if it is blank, then ConnectIt gets the next available Batch Number UPDATE: tooltip on Configuration Customer and Vendor tab 'n' character find //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.1.6 - released 12th April 2010 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.1.6 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.1.6 ADDED: "Product Comment Field" as an option to the Configuration screen Products tab - by default, this is 'Description', but can be changed to another field or not transferred at all ADDED: "Do not transfer Line Items that have a zero Quantity" as an option to the Configuration screen Products tab - if ticked, then Product Line Items on the QuoteWerks document with a zero quantity will not be transferred to Sage ADDED: "Do not transfer Line Items that have a zero Price" as an option to the Configuration screen Products tab - if ticked, then Product Line Items on the QuoteWerks document with a zero Total Price will not be transferred to Sage ADDED: separate options for "Purchase" versus "Sales" documents to the Configuration screen Products tab (purchase options not available for this build, but in anticipation of functionality for v1.2) ADDED: option to choose where the Sage MAS Purchase Document numbers are transferred back into QuoteWerks to the Configuration screen Documents | Main tab (options not available for this build, but in anticipation of functionality for v1.2) ADDED: option to "Transfer Comment Lines on Purchase Documents" to the Configuration screen Documents | Main tab (option not available for this build, but in anticipation of functionality for v1.2) ADDED: option to "Allow creation of Purchase Orders in Sage from multi-Vendor QuoteWerks documents" to the Configuration screen Documents | Main tab (option not available for this build, but in anticipation of functionality for v1.2) UPDATE: added "4.4" option to Configuration screen Sage MAS Build option UPDATE: enabled configuration of the options to allow Discount and Charge Lines to be transferred as individual Line Items on the Sage MAS document - previously these had been disabled and the Discount and Charge total transferred as a summary UPDATE: change ConnectIt form style to show the new icon and caption for the application in the Windows Start bar //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.1.5 - released 25th February 2010 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.1.5 ADDED: allow C/I Miscellaneous Items to be used on S/O documents as well as A/R documents, and I/M Inventory to be included on A/R documents as well as S/O. Previously C/I Miscellaneous Items had only been available on A/R documents and I/M Inventory on S/O; now both are available on all document types (in response to a customer-specific request) //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.1.4 - released 8th February 2010 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.1.4 ADDED: option whether the QuoteWerks Ship Via field is matched to the Sage MAS SO Shipping Rate 'Code' or 'Description' field (in response to a customer-specific request) //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.1.3 - released 24th December 2009 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.1.3 UPDATE: when using the option to retrieve the Customer Account Reference from QuoteWerks, if the Division Code was prefixed on the Customer Account Reference, then ConnectIt would not find a match. ConnectIt now matches the Customer Account Reference, whether the Division Code is used as a prefix or not. //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.1.2 - released 6th June 2009 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.1.2 UPDATE: when retrieving the Customer Account Reference from Sage MAS, if the Company Name existed in more than one Division or if it was duplicated in the same Division, then ConnectIt would create the document against the first Customer. ConnectIt now detects that more than one Customer is found and asks the user which Account to create the document against. UPDATE: revised registration process so that we can facilitate providing demo versions of the software //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.1.1 - released 13th March 2009 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.1.1 UPDATE: transfer the Contact name selected for the Address fields from QuoteWerks to the Confirm To field in the Sage MAS document UPDATE: support for names and descriptions, etc in QuoteWerks that are longer than those in Sage MAS. ConnectIt will now trim the QuoteWerks field to match on just the left 'x' characters, allowing a match to be found. UPDATE: new ConnectIt icons FIXED: ConnectIt Registration runtime error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when trying to create the menu option if the QuoteWerks menuopts.add file is empty //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.1.0 - released 8th October 2008 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.1.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.1.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.1.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.1.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.1.0 ADDED: support for Comment Line Types to be transferred to the Sage MAS document UPDATE: remove support for the Document Items Extended Description field following QuoteWerks removal of support for this field through the API UPDATE: prompt the user if a Group Header Line Type on the QuoteWerks Document has a Price Modifier associated with it - ConnectIt does not support this type of pricing BUG FIX: the Comment field in the Sage MAS Document was not being populated, this field is now populated by the information set up in the ConnectIt Configuration screen //------------------------------------------------------------ // v1.0.0 - released 15th September 2008 //------------------------------------------------------------ ConnectIt.exe v1.0.0 ConnectIt Configuration.exe v1.0.0 CITCustWiz.exe (Create Customer Wizard) v1.0.0 CITProdWiz.exe (Create Product Wizard) v1.0.0 CITSuppWiz.exe (Create Supplier Wizard) v1.0.0 ConnectIt Registration.exe v1.0.0 ConnectIt Registration Manager.exe v1.0.0 KNOWN ISSUES: * The calculation of total tax when there is a mixture of taxable and non-taxable discount and charge items on the QuoteWerks document. This results in the Sage MAS document showing a different total to the QuoteWerks document. As we understand this, the Sage MAS document shows the correct amount; Aspire are looking at this issue within QuoteWerks.